Please click the link below to view the latest Knight Line edition |
| Happy birthday to these Knights born in June! Ronald Daniel Rouse, Bill Dooley, Dave Gobel, Francis Fiebiger, Mike Klingler, Frank Rasmussen, Rev. Richard R. Saksons, Ron Edge, Dave Davis, Larry Mack, Scott Shively, Tom Fisk, Rowdy Keller.
From the Grand Knights desk . . . For the latest information on the Knightline, please click on this link https://www.kofc.org/en/programs/index.html
Baker City Council #849
7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 Officers
Jesus Christ - Always First
Grand Knight - Timothy R. Delsman
Deputy Grand Knight - Kurt Gronbach
Chaplain - Fr. Suresh Telegani
Chancellor - Anthony Botello
Recorder - Steve Bachman
Treasurer - Mike Klingler
Financial Secretary - Matt Reidy
Advocate - Steve Bogart
Lecturer - Greg Woydziak
Warden - David Rioux
Inside Guard - Robert J Bachman
Outside Guard - Mark T Arcidiacono
Trustee - JR Vela
Trustee - Dave Lindley
Trustee - Hal Huntington
Insuarnce Agent - State Agent |
GENERAL MEETING NOTICE: KNIGHTS of Council 849: Please remember our monthly meetings--the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. These meetings are held in the Knights Room in the Parish Hall (located in the basement of the Cathedral). We need all to attend and participate. Come for some great fellowship and join us in supporting our parish! |
Please click the link "Columbian Newsletter" to access the Oregon Knights of Columbus Newsletter. It will take you to the Oregon Knights of Columbus website, where you can read the newletter, and about other current events for the Knights of Columbus in Oregon. |